Return of a Death
In the City of Philadelphia.
Physician’s Certificate.

1. Name of the Deceased, Nicholas Conrad
2. Color, White
3. Sex, Male
4. Age, 50 Years
5. Married or Single, Married
6. Date of Death, Dec 4th 1874
7. Cause of Death, Pneumonia
[signed] L.[K?]. Stine, M.D.
Residence, 1502 N. 4th St.
Undertaker’s Certificate in Relation to Deceased.
8. Occupation, Cooper
9. Place of Birth, Germany
10. When a Minor, [parents names not listed because not a minor]
11. Ward, 19
12. Street and Number, 1729 N. 4th St.
13. Date of Burial, Dec 7 / 74
14. Place of Burial, Glenwood Cemetery
[signed] Henry Schneider, Undertaker
Residence, 1737 Germantown Ave.
Original Source Citation: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia “Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915,” index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 May 2017), Nicholas Conrad,