On this day, Benjamin N. Ogle and his grandson Ben N. Ogle passed away, 102 years apart.
Benjamin N. Ogle was born about 1815 in Delaware and passed away 27 Apr 1889 in Delaware City, Delaware. He was the son of Howard Ogle and Charlotte. He married Clara Matthews in 1841. He was a carpenter and for many years was the superintendent of the Delaware and Chesapeake canal. He and his wife had five children in Delaware City: Josephine, Anna, Lucy, Sarah and William, who was Ben N. Ogle’s father.

Ben N. Ogle was born 20 Jun 1918 in Trinidad, Colorado and died 27 Apr 1991 in San Bernardino, California. He was the only son of William M. Ogle & Margaret McDougal. His parents separated early in his life and when he moved to California with his mother around 1920 or 1921, his father stayed behind in Colorado where he was a physician for the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company.