John A. Todd, Sr. Birth (1870)

Alexander Todd, birth, 1870
Transcribed from digital image by Alexander Conrad

1870. Births in the District of Govan Church in the County of Lanark.

No. 740
Name and Surname: Alexander Todd
When and where born: 1870 August Sixth, [time indecipherable], 9 Albert Street, Govan
Sex: M
Name, Surname and Rank or Profession of Father: James Todd, Joiner[?], Journeyman[?]
Name and Maiden Surname of Mother: Elizabeth Todd, M.S. Martin
Date and Place of Marriage: 1861 September 9th, Newry, Ireland
Signature and Qualification of Informant: James Todd, Father, Present
When and Where Registered and Signature of Registrar: 1870 August 27th at Govan, Thomas S. Steel, Registrar [this section all very faded and difficult to read]


Original Source Citation:
Govan, Lanark, Scotland, Statutory Birth Registers, p. 247, Alexander Todd, 1870; digital images, ScotlandsPeople ( : accessed 5 December 2012).

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