Charles C. Craner and Emily E. Mapes Marriage Certificate 14 Aug 1864
Abstracted from photocopy included in Civil War Pension File for Charles C. Craner
This certifies that
Charles C. Craner and Emily E. Mapes
Were solemnly united by me in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony
at Haddonfield M.E. Parsonage N.J. on the Fourteenth day of August in the year of
our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Four conformably to the Ordinance of God, and the Laws of the State.
In Presence of Rebecca S. Woolston.
Benj. F. Woolston
Minister of the Gospel
M.E. Church Haddonfield Camden Co. NJ
Please contact me Charles Craner and Emily E Mapes are my great grandparents
Thank You